Информационная линия:

Key Indicators of the Implementation of HIV Prevention Programs among people who use drugs, 2018

Key Indicators of the Implementation of HIV Prevention Programsamong people who use drugs
BPA "Positive Movement " (2018)

The estimated number of PWID in the Republic of Belarus is 66500 people.

HIV prevalence among PWID is 30.8% (epidemiological study, 2017).

The NGO "Positive Movement" supports the work of 22 prevention points for people who inject drugs, including 9 mobile points.

The results of the services of the NGO "Positive Movement", 2018


Belarus (incl. Minsk)   


Number of functioning stationary and mobile points



Number of PWID, covered by harm reduction programs:

42 768

24 505

1. Number of clients, that got services at stationary and mobile points

23 837

13 717

2. Number of clients, that got services from outreach workers

34 253

19 770

Number of contacts, of them:

204 376

92 673

1. Number of contacts at stationary and mobile points

48 646

26 722

2. Number of contacts with outreach workers

155 730

65 951

Number of PWID that have passed an HIV rapid test at stationary and mobile points

12 286

5 896

The number of PWID who are diagnosed with HIV by rapid testing at stationary and mobile points

1 080


HIV detectability by rapid testing at stationary and mobile points



The number of PWID who have completed confirmatory HIV testing by ELISA



In the second half of 2018, a pilot project was launched: diagnosing HIV infection at the sites using fast blood tests and blood sampling for conducting an arbitration study (in case of a positive result).

The implemented measures have led to a significant increase in the indicator “Number of PWID who have passed confirmatory HIV testing by ELISA”.

In the five months of the pilot project, the indicator was higher than in the previous seven months. From January to July 2018, 14 people underwent confirmatory HIV testing by ELISA, while in only 5 months of the pilot project implementation – 92 people underwent confirmatory HIV testing by ELISA (an increase of 6.5 times).

Social Support Centre in Minsk

Main services:

  • Help in restoring documents.

  • Counseling / referral to receive advice (from lawyer, psychologist, psychotherapist, narcologist, infectious diseases specialist, peer consultant, TB specialist and other specialists).

  • Referral to drug treatment (detoxification, rehabilitation).

  • Assistance in employment (retraining, training).

  • Humanitarian aid.

Number of clients of the social support programme – 225 persons (2018),

Number of clients, who have got simple "one-time" services – 1065 persons,

Number of services – 2464.

Peer Counseling and adherence to treatment

9 social workers on treatment adherence, and

10 peer consultants.

All employees work with infectious disease doctors.

3031 persons received services in 2018.

5656 personal consultations and 14995 telephone contacts were provided.

After contact with a peer consultant, 93% of clients visit a doctor for consultation, receive pills, and pass the necessary tests.

In this way,

Points have good access to PWID as a key population, effectively identify people living with HIV.

There is an urgent need to ensure continuity of services at the stages of confirming the results and treatment. PWID clients must make 3 to 5 visits to receive treatment, which is a barrier to starting treatment.

In the face of changes in the types of common drugs, adherence to treatment of PWID is a challenge.

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